How to Trigger Power Automate on N:N Relationship in Dynamics 365

Power Automate has the capability of triggering on Association and Disassociation (Relationships) of record in Dynamics 365 by using Webhook. In the below example we will create a Power Automate flow and trigger on Associate/Deassociate event in Dynamics 365.

1. Create an automated Power Automate cloud flow in your development solution, give it a name and create the flow. Now add the step HTTP request trigger:

2. select the ellipses and pick Settings on the trigger ‘When a HTTP request is received‘ step:

3.  Add your trigger condition with your relationship name

@equals(triggerbody()?[‘InputParameters’][1]?[‘value’]?[‘SchemaName’],’Relationship Name’)

4. Register Webhook using the endpoint url in Plugin registration tool. Open the PRT and click on Register Webhook registration and new window will open like below and enter the following details and click on Save:

5. Add the step under Webhook assembly for Associate and Disassociate under the webhook assembly by referring the following steps:

6. We can add our logic in the steps of Power Automate to perform the required action, as the Power Automate will now trigger on the Associate/Disassociate of record.

Thank you and Happy Learning with Whizz Wave.

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